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Prevention of loss of hair, LG Household Health Care New Brand [Dr.Groot]


LG생활건강 Dr.Groot 닥터그루트 탈모방지샴푸 추천

LG Household Health Care New Brand [Dr.Groot] Prevention of loss of hair

shampoo, conditioner, smell, dry, scent, wash, oily, scalp, smooth, shiny, smells, treatment, feeling, rinse, anymore, healthy, thick, dandruff

Prevention of loss of hair, LG Household Health Care New Brand [Dr.Groot]

모발 탄력을 뿌리부터 강화해주는 힘없는 모발용 탈모완화 샴푸 < 닥터그루트 > 를 소개합니다. 닥터그루트는 힘없이 처지는 모발을 위한 맞춤형 탈모 관리 샴푸로 탈모증상 완화에 도움을 주고 영지 추출물을 담아 뿌리부터 볼륨감을 살려줍니다.

특히, 실리콘 / 파라벤 / 설페이트계 계면활성제 무첨가로 자연유래 성분과 순한 세정성분을 사용합니다.

7가지 자연성분 포뮬러 - Groot Solution™ 로 하수오, 홍삼, 상황버섯, 어성초, 흑초, 편백, 박하 콤플렉스로 두피각질,  두피기름짐,  두피냄새, 두피열감, 건조함으로 인한 가려움까지 다양한 두피 증상을 개선합니다.

나이가 들수록 머리카락이 많이 빠지는 듯한 느낌입니다. -.- 신경써야 되는데 말이죠. 

Prevention of loss of hair, LG Household Health Care New Brand [Dr.Groot]

Introduce "the Dr. Groot", a doctor specializing in hair loss, and recommended prescription prescription treatments based on various hairstyles and scalp symptoms. After studying the various symptoms and headaches of the scalp and hair, "the Dr. Groot" was born with the expertise and know-how of the LG Living Health Technology Co.

The Groot Solution, a combination of seven natural ingredients, such as Hasuo, Red Ginseng, Scuttering, and Eoseongcho, helps improve the scalp's skin texture and fragrance, and creates a healthy scalp based on the hair growth of the scalp.

In particular, the shampoo for hair loss in the scalp of the scalp is characterized by a " weak scalp " of oily scalp that prevents vitality of the scalp from the oily scalp of the oily scalp.

Prevention of loss of hair, LG Household Health Care New Brand [Dr.Groot]

Also, the skin lotion, which can be used to irritate the scalp and the scalp, uses natural ingredients and nutritional ingredients to relax the sensitive scalp and scalp, and maximize the feeling of satisfaction with the refreshing texture and scalp texture.

In addition, there are 7 types of chemicals that help prevent hair loss and hair follicles that promote hair follicles and hair follicles, and hair conditioning and nutrients from the scalp. 

As of May 30, 17, it was converted into functional cosmetic products.

LG Household Health Care New Brand [Dr.Groot] Prevention of loss of hair

Qoo10 Go!

Prevention of loss of hair, LG Household Health Care New Brand [Dr.Groot]

for damaged hair 400ml, listless hair shampoo 400ml, for Oily hair shampoo 400ml, conditioner 400ml, for damaged hair treatment, for listless hair treatment, tonic 80ml

Product details

Weight or Volume : 300ml

Product Main Specifications : All Skin Types

Directions of Use : Sufficiently wet scalp and hair with warm water and evenly apply suitable amount to hair and scalp. Massage and cleanly rinse with water.Sufficiently wet scalp and hair with warm water and evenly apply suitable amount to hair and scalp. Massage and cleanly rinse with water. (After shampoo, rinse after massaging hair and scalp.)

Manufacturer and Distributor : Manufacturer: Evercos Co., Ltd. / Distributor: LG Household & Health Care Co., Ltd.

Manufacturing Country : Korea

Ingredients : Dexpanthenol, Nicotinic Acid, Salicylic Acid, etc.

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Prevention of loss of hair, LG Household Health Care New Brand [Dr.Groot]

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LG Household Health Care New Brand [Dr.Groot] Prevention of loss of hair

Qoo10 Go!

shampoo, conditioner, smell, dry, scent, wash, oily, scalp, smooth, shiny, smells, treatment, feeling, rinse, anymore, healthy, thick, dandruff

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